Today marks Day 13 of my (first) 30-day Miracle Morning challenge. And boy, Day 13 feels like my lucky day!

I came to this process when a friend sent me Hal Elrod‘s book The Miracle Morning: the not-so-obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life before 8am, as part of a Facebook book exchange experiment. I read it voraciously, you might say desperately. I have been seeking a change in my life for months. I found myself in a foreign place of being depressed, feeling trapped and just totally unhappy with me. Shortly after I completed the book I joined a Facebook coaching group,Make Your Mornings Miraculous, hosted by that same friend. {grateful for her <3}

This morning, as part of my new morning routine, I did a one-hour yoga session through – my favorite streaming yoga class website {absolutely love it!}. Christi Christensen’s class Say Yes was my session of choice and I had a powerful “a-ha” moment. Yes is my way to happiness…

When I started my Miracle Morning challenge a couple of weeks ago my focus was on drawing the line. Saying no to others controlling my life, saying no to alcohol, saying no to sleeping in, saying no to my perpetual resting bitch face. What I didn’t realize until this morning is that I’ve actually been saying YES much more than NO. I am saying YES to taking control of my own life. I am saying YES to drinking more water. I am saying YES to being mindful to what I put in my body. I am saying YES to smiling more. I am saying YES to waking up early and seizing the day!

YES is so much more fun than NO. (hello!)

If I take stock over the past two weeks, I see that my journey has been filled with YES.

∴ Yes to a new journey with a focus on the journey itself {enjoy the reaching}
Yes to sharing my challenges with others {lighten the load}
Yes to taking responsibility for my own happiness {embrace my power}
Yes to committing to me {permission to be selfish}
Yes to early mornings {Sleep Cycle app helps me find a wake up window}
Yes to drinking more water {self-fulfilling prophecy}
Yes to discipline {Fabulous app helps me keep my head in the game}
Yes to meditation {Andy of Headspace is my new morning boyfriend}
Yes to letting in and giving more love {the to-do list will be there tomorrow}
Yes to happy {the gift that keeps on giving}

And I know there is more. Just reading this list out loud to myself does so much to reframe and reset my mind. My self-talk is taking a new direction and I love it. My family is noticing, I am feeling like me again. The journey is far from over, but my direction has shifted and I am grateful.

Three things that Christi asked in her Yoga session, and I’ll ask here as well: what are you dissolving, igniting and saying YES to?

There is so much to say YES to – knowing we have that choice makes all the difference.




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